Monday, April 4, 2016

Configure ASUS DSLN10S modem in PPPoE mode

Follow steps to configure ASUS DSLN10S modem in PPPoE mode:-

Open any web browser [ Google chrome , Internet explorer, Firefox ] and enter

  1. Enter username =admin & Password = admin and press ok
  2. click Quick Internet setup
  3. In web account setup enter password/confirm password =admin/admin to keep login password same.
  4. click Next and select Time Zone press next.
  5. select country e.g. india service provider BSNL PPPOE , vpi/vci=0/35.
  6. Enter username/password provided by your ISP press next.
  7. Edit ssid =This is your wifi network name , select encryption WPA-PSK[AES] and fill wifi password in pre shared key =min 8 chars.
  8. press Next then FINISH.
  9. click reboot button.
  10. after Reboot modem will be ready.